Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tyra Monger
Business Economics

Current Event

This week I read about the former pentagon president saying that Iraq is going to have a crisis. William Perry stated that President elect Obama will have a nuclear problem with Iraq. “Iran is going towards becoming a nuclear power,” William stated. ''It seems clear that Israel will not sit by idle while Iran takes the final steps toward becoming a nuclear power,'' said Mr. Perry. They think that Obama will have to deal with this, because most likely he will have a problem concerning it. North Korea has a large nuclear weapons program, and bush hoped to make happy nuclear powers. The US almost had to have a problem when the deal with North Korea was happening. ''If North Korea and Iran cannot be contained, we face the real danger of a cascade of proliferation'' ''Indeed, I believe that today we are clearly at the tipping point of nuclear proliferation. And if the world does tip, it will be irreversible and dangerous beyond the imagination of most people,'' Perry stated.

I think that there can be no happy nuclear powers. If bombing can be happy then I don’t know what people are thinking. That is just a little wrong. Nuclear weapons should not be allowed anywhere. Not that we can just tell them not to but I think it should just happen on its own.

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